訂購需知 Order Policy:
1. 客人需於三個工作天前確認訂單及繳付全數。訂單一經確認後,恕不能更改、取消或退款。
Customers must place the order with full payment 3 working days in advance. No changes, cancellation or refund will be accepted
once the order is confirmed.
2. 一般送貨時間為星期一至六 10:00 - 20:00。請向店員查詢有關其他送貨時段。
Delivery shall be made from Monday to Saturday between 10:00 - 20:00. Please check with our staff for other delivery time slots.
3. 星期日、公眾假期,及平日早上08:30 或之前的到會訂單,均需收取額外 10% 附加費。
For catering orders on Sundays and Public Holidays, or weekday orders on or before 8:30 AM, it is subject to an additional 10% surcharge.
4. 凡惠顧滿 HK$2,500(折實價),即可享免費送貨一次(不包括離島及偏遠地區)。
For catering orders at HK$2,500 nett or above, customers can enjoy free delivery to one designated location
(except outlying islands and remote areas).
5. 若訂單未滿 HK$2,500(折實價),則會收取額外 HK$250+ 之運輸費。
For catering order below HK$2,500, an additional delivery charge at HK$250+ will be applied.
6. 西貢、山頂、半山、赤柱、東涌、赤鱲角及馬灣等偏遠地區運輸費一律為 HK$350。
Delivery charge at HK$350 shall be applied to outlying regions (including Sai Kung, The Peak, Mid Levels, Stanley,
Tung Chung, Chek Lap Kok and Ma Wan, etc.)
7. 一般送貨上門只限工商業大廈。住宅送貨上門收費另議。
Door-to-door delivery service is available for commercial and industrial buildings, and is subject to extra charge for residential buildings.
8. 請於領取食物後立即食用。食物的味道及質素或會因享用時間不同而有所影響。
You are advised to consume the meal immediately after pick-up. The taste and the quality of the food will be affected
if not consumed immediately.
9. 如客人對任何食物有過敏、不適或有特殊要求,請於確認訂單前通知我們。
In case you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, please notify us upon placing order.
10. 餐牌內容及價錢或作更改而不作另行通知。
Menu price and items are subject to change without prior notice.
11. 提供侍應服務或餐具租借服務,詳情請向店員查詢。
Waiter service and equipment rental service are available upon request.
12. 若因颱風、暴雨等情況而需要更改送貨日期,請於3個工作天前通知分店。
所付訂金將不獲退還,Grove Company Limited 保留絕對權利決定是否接受改期之要求。
If you need to change the delivery date due to typhoon or rainstorm, please inform us at least 3 working days before the delivery date.
13. 如遇任何不可抗力因素如遊行、戰爭、自然災害等情況造成同事們的安全問題,我們將不提供送餐服務,客戶需自行到門市自取,
Grove Company Limited 不會因以上情況承擔任何延遲和準備食物的權益和責任。
Grove Company Limited has no entitlement and liability for any delay and failure on meal preparation due to an event of force majeure,
i.e. circumstances beyond our control such as natural disasters, labour conflicts and state of war.
14. 送貨當天會有專人預先致電客人,請留意及接聽來電,以確保可順利安排派送貨,如電話無人接聽,訂單有可能會被順延或取消送貨。司機
到達指定送貨地點後,如等候時間超過 15 分鐘,貨件將會被送回所屬分店。若需要重新安排送貨,客人需要額外繳付 $500 運輸費。
To ensure a smooth delivery, our team will call you in advance on the delivery date. Please pay attention and make sure to answer the phone call. Please be aware that failure to respond may result in potential delays or cancellation of the order. Upon arrival, if the waiting time exceeds 15 minutes, the order will be sent back to the designated outlet. In case the delivery has to be rescheduled again, the guest will be required to pay an additional transportation fee at $500.
15. 如有任何爭議,Grove Company Limited 保留最終決定權。
In case of any disputes, Grove Company Limited has the rights of the final decision.
如有其他查詢,歡迎電話 2614 1088。
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at 2614 1088.
1) 蜜糖烤豬肉卷伴烤蘋果
Roasted Pork Roll with Marinated Apples
2) 美式小食拼盤
American Style Platter
3) 慢煮辣雞胸香草醬螺絲粉沙律
Pesto Pasta Salad with Slow Cooked Spicy Chicken Breast
4) 意式鮮蝦番茄意粉
Italian-style Fresh Shrimp & Tomato Spaghetti
5) 泰式香辣雞翼
Thai Spicy Chicken Wings
6) 雜莓朱古力酥盒
Mixed Berries & Chocolate Puff Pastry
7) FAN 100% 天然橙汁
FAN - Orange 100% Natural Juice
原價:$2,150 / 價錢:$1,988
1) 至尊燒烤拼盤
Premium BBQ Combo
2) 烤美國安格斯牛肩胛配烤雜菜及蜜糖芥末醬
Roasted U.S. Angus Beef Chuck with
Roasted Mixed Vegetables & Honey Mustard Sauce
3) 墨西哥卷拼盤
Assorted Mexican Wraps
4) 煙三文魚凱撒沙律
Smoked Salmon Caesar Salad
5) 黑松露野菌露筍意粉 (V)
Asparagus & Wild Mushroom Spaghetti with Black Truffle Sauce
6) 意式肉醬辣肉腸意粉
Italian-style Spaghetti Bolognese with Pepperoni
7) 雙重芝士鮮蝦多士
Fresh Shrimp and Melted Cheese Toastie
8) 煙三文魚他他酥盒拼香辣鮮蝦他他酥盒
Smoked Salmon Tartar Puff Pastry & Spicy Shrimp Tartar Puff Pastry
9) 馬來咖哩小食拼盤
Malaysian Style Platter with Curry Sauce
10) 手指雜錦泡芙
Handcrafted Les Caroliness Assorted
11) FAN 100% 天然橙汁
AN - Orange 100% Natural Juice
原價:$3,970 / 價錢:$3,688
Catering Menu
Updated on Nov 2022